Managing Creativity
A one-day session on how to manage creativity more effectively
The common assumption is that the best people to manage creative people are other creative people. But being good at coming up with ideas is an entirely different set of skills to managing people who come up with ideas. This session teaches the skills to be a great creative leader.
This session teaches the skills to be a great creative leaderWe’ll look at the tension between successfully delivering projects and giving people the permission to fail. We’ll look at the soft-skills that go into making people feel secure enough to share their ideas. And how to inspire people to continually come up with fresh and relevant ideas.
We’ll look at how you can use processes and systems to unlock better thinking and keep standards high. We’ll look more broadly at the creative process, from strategic thinking to finished design. And we’ll dive deeper into the topic of briefing to see the role it plays at different stages of the process.
But being a great creative manager isn't just about knowing what to do - it's also about knowing what not to do. Because it's easier to destroy creativity than it is to foster it. So we'll also look at the no-no's that can turn a creative wonderland into a creative wasteland.
This isn't just a sit-down-and-take-notes kind of session. It's an interactive session where everyone gets to try out techniques and work out how to adapt the principles to their own job. And to make sure the knowledge doesn't vanish at the end of the day, the attendees all get a PDF document they can use as an ongoing reminder of what they've learned.
One sentence summary
This interactive session teaches the management techniques that lead to more effective creativity.
Who it's for
Anyone who leads a team that are expected to come up with ideas as part of their job, either occasionally or regularly.
What you learn
- Processes that liberate rather than stifle
- How to inspire ideas in others
- How to direct people to more effective ideas
- How to give feedback constructively
- How to build a desire to be creative in your staff
- How to brief for success
I felt like the trainer was genuinely interested.
Dave’s presentation style is engaging, honest and really makes you sit up and listen. We’d love to work with him again.
He went over and above what was asked of him.